Saturday, September 27, 2014

She Believed

She bought into a belief that if she did the right thing, she would be happy, she would get what she needed, wanted, desired. When she didn't she blamed him and all his obvious shortcomings. She could not see her own shortcomings, because she was blinded by this belief. She was kind, loving, self giving, humble.
And so, she believed herself good. Underneath, was a different story. There was a little girl who felt unsafe, unworthy, ugly, unlovable, even bad.

He left her one day, and then she saw all the arrogance of her belief, and it tore her to pieces. Grief came that shook her mind and body and life. She discovered the immensity of her love and gratitude for him. She discovered that despite all the torment, he still cared for her. In fact, he had never stopped caring. She saw his love and generosity toward their whole family, the playful quirkiness of his being, his joy and dedication to fatherhood. She saw her longing for him. She felt Sadness that she had pushed him away.

She felt it all without clinging, without hope, without even telling him. Then she let it all go, gave it to the heavens, knowing now, that she is seen, loved and cared for, that every thought, wish, need, is registered and responded to. Maybe there are hosts of angels arranging it all, but now, she knows for sure, she is not alone.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

I See You

Beyond appearances, I see you,
Your light, your soul, your beauty.

Seeing you lights me up,
And I feel my own greatness awaken
In the love that is streaming from my heart.

In this seeing and loving and feeling,
There is no need or want.

The more I give to you, the more I receive,
The more I see God coming through me.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Her Deepest Desires

Her deepest desires
Access to her soul,
Freely given,
At the simple focus
Of heart centred listening.
Everything revealed,
With grace.

I am moved by the honour of witnessing her life unfold,
Witnessing the sweetness and purity of her heart.

I am opened up,
blessed in the presence of God embodied in her,
Touching God in me.
Revealing the miracle of life,
And uncovering my own joy of living.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Extasy of Being

Before, I travelled through life
on a lofty pedestal of numbness.
Then, the tower came down,
as it had to,
as it was intended.

Now, from the rawness of vulnerability
can I experience it all,
the good, the bad, the ugly,
the layers and complexities,
the array of human emotion,
the subtleties of the senses.
The terrible and the beautiful existing simultaneously.

Heart wide open,
Body allowing, heaving,
Releasing tears and laughter.
The ecstasy of being.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A vow

A vow appeared today,
in this chest, this mind,
To find the qualities of true humanity
that dwell within -
love, serenity, moderation, contentment,
Generosity, creativity, humility,
To birth them in every moment
To hold them as a goal
To see them in others,
To heal what’s in the way,
Expose the Truth,
And reveal who we are.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Brothers in Light

Beautiful Brothers,
My Brothers in Light,
I shed tears for your pain,
Tears you were forbidden.

Your beautiful bodies broken
Your vibrant minds dulled
By monotony and mediocrity.

Beautiful Brothers,
My Brothers in Light,
Thank you for your caring
For our sisters, our children, humanity and me,
For your labor and your steadiness,
For all that you are -
Sacred Souls.

Beautiful Brothers,
My Brothers in Light,
A fire burns in our hearts,
That calls us all elsewhere.
It will burn our shackles.
It will draw us into dance and song and love.

Beautiful Brothers,
My Brothers in Light,
Let us hold hands,
And bravely step forward,
Into a new way of being together,
With the assurance,
That all goodness is seen, counted and multiplied,
And that we are almightily loved.